Scorpion Masqué

This week, the jury of the Cannes International Games Festival unveiled the 12 games nominated for the "As d'Or" – French Game of the Year.Among the selection, we are thrilled to see 2 nominations for Scorpion Masqué: Flashback: Zombie Kidz nominated in the "Kids" category and Turing Machine in the "Expert" category.Congratulations to designers Baptiste Derrez and Marc-Antoine Doyon for Flashback: Zombie Kidz, and also the artists who illustrated the game beautifully.

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Lead the investigation in the universe of Zombie Kids. Flashback is an investigation game using pictures. Embark on a cooperative adventure with other kids or with your whole family in a world frozen in time. Explore the past to solve mysteries in the present, and change the future to save the world! Discover the whole story, bit by bit, through the eyes of the characters living it. Put together all the points of view to discover clues, uncover and figure out mysteries, and answer the final questions. Understanding the past might help you to change the future and save the world from the horrible monsters!

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I didn’t want to talk about COVID-19…

I didn’t want to talk about COVID-19… 

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Strategic Decisions   It takes time to make a good game. That’s why we have an 18-month period between the moment we start work on a game and its release. This means that we often sign prototypes 2 years before the final version appears on store shelves! This development period that we give ourselves requires us to look more efficiently toward the future and to plan better. 

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