
2019: l'année à venir!

 I’m very pleased to wish you all a happy 2019. I hope that you are able to do all the ‘stuff’ that is most important to you in the coming year. :)As I usually do in my ‘civilian life,’ I use January to give myself objectives to achieve before the end of that year. Some have to do with numbers, like the end-of-year sales figures, or the number of subscribers to our Facebook page. Others tend to be actions (in the broadest sense of the word) to be taken. For example, publishing a certain game, reviewing our production methods, or putting in place some marketing technique.

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Sobre el escorpión enmascarado

Fundado en 2006, el Masked Scorpion es un editor de juegos de mesa de Montreal que ofrece juegos simples y originales: Zombie Kidz Evolution, Decrypto, Stay Cool, The Hunt for Monsters, J'te gage que ... / Bluff Fiesta, señorita Poutine ... Encontramos nuestros juegos en más de 20 idiomas, en alrededor de cuarenta países.