
2021 Year-End Review!

You’ve been anxiously anticipating its arrival, but here it is! At last! Scorpion Masqué’s sixth Year-End Review, in words, thoughts, and numbers!Year-End Review?For newcomers, my name is Christian Lemay, and I founded Scorpion Masqué in 2006. Each year since 2016 I sum up our 12 previous months of activity and I give my thoughts on the board game industry, and its evolution... and I also add some nice and crunchy financial details.Scorpion Masqué is a board game publisher. Our job consists of:

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The Spiel des Jahres: A Photo-Journal!

On Monday, May 17 I woke up at 6 a.m., as usual, to take my children to school. I have a bad habit of checking my phone as soon as I open my eyes, because the light of the screen helps me keep my eyes open. While checking my messages on Messenger and Twitter, I notice some strange activity that I don't quite understand. Scorpion Masqué is being flooded with tags and congratulations. Slowly the realization begins to dawn on me: the nominations for the Spiel des Jahres have just been announced (it's noon in Germany) and Mia London and the Case of the 625 Scoundrels is one of the finalists for the Kinderspiel, the children's category. My heart does a quick double backflip. I have a hot flash; I finally understand what my mother went through during her menopause.  But wait... that’s not all... a few moments later I see that Zombie Teenz Evolution is also a finalist... in the most prestigious category, The Spiel des Jahres! 

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The 2020 Year-End Review!

Here it is, here it is, the 5th Year-End Review of Scorpion Masqué, in words, thoughts, and numbers! Year-End Review?For newcomers, my name is Christian Lemay, and I founded Scorpion Masqué in 2006. Every year since 2016 I have put together an overview of our previous 12 months of activity, and I give my thoughts on the boardgame industry, and how it has evolved over this time. In addition to this, I also offer up some nice and crunchy financial details.Scorpion Masqué is a boardgame publisher. Our job consists of…

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Play Our Games Online!

For the last few months, I've been impressed by the resourcefulness that so many people have shown in adapting video-conferencing platforms to play board games online. I'm not talking about the digital adaptations of board games on places like Board Game Arena, or Tabletopia, but the actual, 'physical' games, made out of cardboard, that are being played over Zoom, Skype, Teams, and others. In fact, many of our games at Scorpion Masqué lend themselves very nicely to this sort of thing.Let's have a look at how to play our games online! Master Word

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Creation 'On The Clock'

Should creation, whatever the type, be paid for by the hour? 

An article was published recently on French gaming website LudoVox by game designer Mathieu Baiget, in which he looked at what game designers actually receive from the sale of their games. One of the main points he brought up in the article was just how far away game designers were from being able to live off of their creations, even with sales of 5,000 copies of a game. The original article (in French) is here.

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Simple is Complicated!(or, The Puzzle of Determining an Artistic Direction for a Game Without a Theme.)The process behind creating the visual assets for Master Word was much more of a collaborative effort than a complete ‘work’ conceived and carried out by one person.. which is often the way of things at Scorpion Masqué.

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About Scorpion Masqué

Scorpion Masqué is a leading Montreal-based tabletop game publisher part of the Hachette Group. Since 2006, our passion has been making quality games for children, adults, and the whole family, with the goal of creating memorable moments for everyone. With more than 40 published games, Scorpion Masqué is a recognizable and renowned brand on the international scene. We have a presence in more than 45 countries and have sold over 2.5 million games since the studio founding. Some of our successes include multi award-winning titles such as Zombie Kidz Evolution, Decrypto, and Turing Machine.